My Top 4 ShotGuns 2014

  • Remington Versa Max
  • Browning A5
  • Winchester Super X3
  • Benelli Legacy Sport

Monday, December 23, 2013

Tri-Star Viper 12-26-13

Today we have a review of the Tristar Viper. You know how some poeple say you never relised how many prople have minivans until you get one. Well that is what happens when you buy a tristar. I resently got the magnum (review comming). The first thing I did is I went to the trap corse and shot an hour later a guy I had known for years showed up and told me of tristar viper that he has had for a few years. MY first response was why didn’t you tell me. second was how does it shoot. Originally he got it for his daughter to shoot trap with him. But that didn’t happen because she bought herself a gun before he could tell her. He decided that he would use that as his trap gun for a while and he loved it. He said it had a great swing was heavy enough but not too much. He only took it dove hunting once and he said it was ok as a feild gun but where it really exlled is at the trap corse where the 20 guage was cheap and didn’t have much recoil the price is a little heafty at $550 but if you want a nice 20 guage that is great at the trap corse take a look at this. we give this a 7/10 comment if you have questions

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